Idid a little family tree sleuthing this afternoon.  My son was going to the temple to do baptisms.  But I had recently turned in a bunch of names, so there were none left  tonight.
I followed my husband’s family line out to the 1600’s–to New Hampshire and Maine.
They must have come to America very early.
They must have been adventurous to leave Nottingham and the Shire.
Now my husband thinks he descended from Robin Hood. But definitely, he’s from the Shire.  And he does have the spirit of discovery, or maybe his line has a lot of men who had that unique quality of ADD–attention deficit disorder. The need to explore, push the envelope, see what is on the other side of the mountain, the “I just can’t sit still syndrome.”
My people were motivated to leave their homelands because they wanted to join the Mormons gathering in the states. This I can understand. This drive to be with Joseph and Brigham. I would cross the ocean in one of those smelly sailing ships to be their neighbors. But I don’t think I would have gone in the 1600’s, just for the adventure.
It is strange to think of all the people in your lineage that have come and gone, some may even care about you today, pray for you today. I have always liked the story when Elisha’s servant becomes aware that the city has been encompassed about by their enemy’s horses and chariots and he asks,
“What are we going to do?”
To which Elisha says–
“Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. “
(2 Kings 6:16)
And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”
That is nice to know.