What is the link between quantum physics and spirituality? Between quantum physics and how we live in the world?

I’ve always loved solving problems. Maybe this explains my innate abilities in math. I took summer school classes after third, fourth, and fifth grade because I liked math. I think my younger sisters suffered the consequences of not being top in their math classes in high school — the teachers assumed my sisters would be the same as me. I wish my younger sisters had not been in those situations. We all have different strengths.

When I explain to my son (a gifted writer with dyscalculia) that I am reading about quantum physics — he looks at me inquisitively — he doesn’t get it. Without a science and math background, it won’t make much sense. When my son says something with humor, I often don’t get it — I’m too logical in my thinking — too eager to solve the problem. Too literal. So we all have pluses and minuses to our talents.

I’ve downloaded a few books on Audible about quantum physics. I only took the required physics courses in college for my biochemistry major. How did I get here? I went from exploring Mary Magdalene to Gurdjieff to Quantum physics. Also, it was important for me to abandon all my previous beliefs about everything. Time to get completely outside the box.

I started reading and listening to a book called

But first I started with

And went to the Cal Tech site to read about quantum physics.

Read an article in Scientific American

Then I watched some Youtube videos.