big hair styling in the 80s

I was still young in the 80s — young enough to have a big hairstyle.

In 1980, I was pregnant with my first child and for the next 10 years, I was pregnant a total of almost 4 years and breastfeeding for 7 years. I had four children by 1990 and two miscarriages. My hairstyles went from the classic to the short-short boyish cut to the big big curly hair, back to the classic. I’m never one to stay with my high school or college hairdo — I don’t want to be stuck in some kind of time warp.

But when I look back I find the humor of it all and have to laugh and wonder why I didn’t just stick to the classic look.

So here you go– My big 80’s hairstyle

And don’t forget the Birkenstocks sandals with white rumpled socks of the 80’s — I’m not sure the bermuda shorts are typical, but for a Mormon knee-length is always typical:


The mid 1980’s Hair Salon: