If you’re a woman, you already know this — women bully women. That’s right, the gentler sex is not always kind. Research shows that 40% of the bullies in the work place turn out to be women and of those women, they prefer to bully other women. And although men seem to have no preference in who they bully —  women target other women 70 percent of the time.

Kind of reminds me of high school, if you get in with the right girl crowd, you might be safe, but if you are a loner, watch out, your name will be the next graffiti on the bathroom wall. I think they made a movie about women how bully women in high school — “Mean Girls.”

Women bully other women. My first encounter with a nasty feline at work was when I was age 24, working in a hospital surgery position. I was there for three months before the head nurse, a “Nurse Ratchet” (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) decided that I was not sitting up straight enough in my desk. The supervisor called me into her office, asked me to shut the door and then dropped the bomb. The day before Nurse Ratchet was leaving for a long vacation, she fired me. During my sojourn here on earth, I have had other encounters; no need to give the details. You get the picture. I am sure you have your share.

I’m afraid that the more chaos in our world — economic, political, religious, climatic — the more mean people we will see. It is easy to be kind to someone who is kind to you, but it is a trial to be friendly and smile when a lioness is chewing on you. I really don’t think it’s good for you. But I bet we all have a story.