…for comic relief. You know, I’m a party pooper. So my kids are the party. They make me laugh. And I need that.

This morning, first day of spring vaca, my 15-yr old son emerged from his sleepy den, checked his laptop and made his way over to the bowl of steel cut oats I had prepared for the two of us. (See, I try to provide a healthy breakfast.) He was wearing his favorite pants, jamie bottoms, pj bottoms, whatever is the correct term — he showed me a large tear along the top, connecting to the pocket. I commented, knowing these are his favs –“ahhhh, and they’re your favorites.”

He looked up at me, “yea, do you think you could suture them up for me?”

I looked over at him, “Suture? Sure I can suture those up.”

It’s comedy. I appreciate the comedy that my kids bring into my life. And I want to enjoy that part, from those first years onward. This son has always been our comedian, he doesn’t even try, which makes it even better. I don’t even think he knew he was funny this morning. But I smiled and laughed (you know — I wanted to be a doctor.)

I need comedy in my life and since I decided that God does have a sense of humor — I view this as a gift from God. It’s part of the joy in your posterity promise. In all the craziness of life, I don’t want to miss the laughs today, or tomorrow.

Oh, and my hubby returned from Mexico, after 5 weeks. woa…that’s only part of the crazy…and only kind-of funny.

I made sure to use my suture stitch–easily seen, sure to leave a scar:

My laugh at the Apple store with kid #3–read it here.