Homeschooling Articles

Spring Equinox for Me, Fall DownUnder

What is the Spring Equinox? It all depends on where you live. Perspective is everything. What you see is based on where you are. Today, it's sunny where I'm sitting. Of course, if you saw where my sister lives, it looks like winter. If you live in the northern...

Getting Gold Pure

I lived in gold country -- the mother lode where gold was first discovered in California. I've learned something about gold and I've visited a couple of gold mines -- in fact, one of them -- the Sutter Gold Mine,  no longer gives underground tours because they've...

The upside of dyslexia

"Dyslexia" -- the word itself is difficult to read. But for all the bad things you hear about dyslexia, there are some good things. It's categorized as a "learning disorder," but there's an upside of dyslexia too. I have a son with dyslexia. My husband has dyslexia....

The parroting stage

When I started to homeschool, I searched everywhere for information on how to do it. My sister tipped me off to a book about classical education called The Well Trained Mind. The author explains how children learn in stages, called the trivium. I love homeschooling...
Muffin tin crayons

Muffin tin crayons

Make these bright colored crayon pucks -- muffin tin crayons, using all those broken crayons (or new ones if you...

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Done with homework

Done with homework

Homework in grade school may not be that beneficial. Somehow, the minutes of homework for each grade level seem to be...

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Serpentinite Rocks

Serpentinite Rocks

I found a peaceful part of the world when I went rockhounding in an old mining claim in northern California. It's an...

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Learning to learn

Learning to learn

No one should be bored when sitting in a class. Especially if you want to learn. I've been studying about learning...

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No more homework

No more homework

Kids don't need homework every night. Today they go to school and take their school work home.  Are we preparing them...

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The Upside of ADD

The Upside of ADD

It's the dreaded word--ADD--Attention Deficit Disorder. But there's an upside to ADD as published by the Wall Street...

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