I listen to talk radio. Especially if I’m driving, I tune in to Dennis Prager and Michael Medved. I caught the Dennis Prager Male-Female Hour yesterday. I tuned in about 14 mins. after the hour, and heard Dennis advising husbands to call their wives during the day–just to say ‘Hi’–check-in that sort of thing.
He explained that women like that.
But not men.
Then he and the rest of the men in the studio laughed at how that was not so important to them. One of them even said that it would be annoying, for his wife to call everyday to say “hi, how are you doing?” According to Dennis and all the guys, men do not really want a call from their wives saying “hi I was thinking of you…just wanted to tell you I love you…”
But women like to be called, so they say.
Yes, I am a wife that likes a call from my husband during the day, but I think we text more. And my husband doesn’t call to say “I love you”. If he did that, I would be worried, like maybe he is on the plane and it’s going down or something.
I do understand that when you are in the middle of something big–even juggling work, kids, etc, you hardly have time for chit-chat. But it can be quick–“just thinking of you.”
Yea, they laughed. Dennis said women are different. Then they talked about whether a text is as good as a call. He said he liked texting, he texts his kids. But does that count from the woman’s perspective? Or do we like to hear a voice?

I love texting. It’s easy, you don’t have to answer right away, it’s silent.

I guess I learned to text from my teenagers. I couldn’t get them to answer their phone, but they would text me. I caught on. if I wanted to make sure all was ok, I texted, and they would respond. It’s quiet, their friends do not have to know they are telling mom, I’m ok, be home in 30 mins.

I asked my husband what he likes best. And texting was the answer. If I call him in the middle of a thought, or writing, or meeting, he may not want to answer and break his train of thought. With texting, he can look, respond or wait, and no one has to know or hear. I think it is much more private.
So, heads up ladies, maybe we need to make contact in another way. A less “annoying” way. The way I see it, the best way to make contact during the day, must be a text message.

But you do have to choose your words. And maybe not just a text, something kind of attention getting, like a photo. I’m not talking over-the-top inappropriate, but I believe it is important to keep the romance going, the intrigue. I have sent my hubby a photo of me when I was 16, 18, the younger me.

You know, men are visual. You can decide what is appropriate, but it is fun to be a little unpredictable. And he will text back.
And I am guessing that would work for Dennis. They would not be laughing then. I do appreciate the advice from Dennis–“give your wife a call, just to say Hi.” Nice tip.
Here’s my disclaimer–all relationships are unique, you have to figure out what works for the two of you. This is just my idea.