For some women phytoestrogens help menopause symptoms. I’m one of those women. Here’s a sampling of foods, all of them plants or derived from plants. Phytoestrogens are plant-based chemicals with weak estrogen activity — “phyto” meaning “plant” and of course, “estrogen,” the female hormone. Phytoestrogens fall into the category of “natural”, as they are not synthesized in a lab. Two types of phytoestrogens that are easy to add to your diet are lignans and isoflavones.

Lignans are found in flax seeds, whole grains, some fruits and vegetables. Isoflavones are found in soybeans and legumes.
Flaxseed is a lignan that is high in phytoestrogens. The seeds can be ground for better absorption and added to breads, cereals, beverages and salads. In fact, flaxseed has the highest amount of phytoestrogen. There are 85.5 mg lignans in 1 ounce of flaxseed as reported by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University.
Lignans are also present in whole grains such as rye, oats, barley and wheat. The amount varies based on the recipes and amounts of whole grains, but approximately 4,800 mcg phytoestrogen per 100 g.
Hummus is made with garbanzo beans and supplies 993 mcg of phytoestrogens per 100 g.


Mung bean sprouts contains 495.1 mcg phytoestrogen per 100 g. Alfalfa sprouts which are a good addition to salads and sandwiches has 441.4 mcg per 100 g.


Dried apricots  are a much better source of phytoestrogen than fresh apricots. They contain 445.5 mcg per 100 g.



Isoflavones are found in soybeans and soybean products. Whole soybeans are available fresh as edamame. One cup contains 24 mg of isoflavone or 103,920 mcg per 100 g.
Soybeans are used to make Tofu which is high in isoflavones. It is available in soft to firm varieties and can be added to soups, smoothies and even desserts. Three ounces provide 20 mg of isoflavone or 27,150.1 mcg phytoestrogen per 100 g.
Soy yogurt or tofu yogurt is another good source for phytoestrogen. In 1/2 cup there are 21 mg of isoflavone or 10,275 mcg phytoestrogen per 100 g.
Soy milk contains the phytoestrogen, isoflavonone. In one cup of soy milk there are 30 mg or 2,957.2 mcg phytoestrogen per 100 g.