Seminary starts tomorrow.
I have one last pup that goes to seminary.  But I am glad to get back to the discipline.  For young son and for me.
Last “semester” I drove him to class and waited in the car, in the parking lot, reading my scriptures on my iphone.  I regained my thirst and hunger for these words.  Then seminary ended, and try as I might to stick to a good study plan, I fell off the wagon.
I am like my two-year-old granddaughter, who resists the nap she desperately needs, and must be strapped in her car seat, with no distractions, no running around, no “Dora the Explorer” before she gives in and falls asleep. She needs the nap.  I need to read, to learn how to hear the word of God in my life, to hear the still small voice and not be like Laman and Lemuel who were “past feeling.”

But I get distracted, and multi-task. Or try to hurry-up and get it done, not thinking much.

Slow down, savor the food.

Good advice for the physical body as well as the spiritual body. I have to train my ear to hear. It is such a foreign language.  The shepherd may know his sheep, the master his well-beloved dog, but time spent together, learning the voice of the master is what is needed when he calls.  I really don’t want to be the one when He refers to: “you never knew me.”(Inspired Version, Joseph Smith, Matt 7:33)

Once again, I commit to read my scriptures daily, with a thirst for greater light and knowledge, not to check them off with a gold star–or a rhinestone, but to hear the word of God, to become acquainted with his voice, to receive revelation for me and my children, to find comfort and understanding why I must travel this road in the telestial kingdom of hell.
I look forward to seminary, the parent left in the car, in quiet and solitude to study and ponder.  In this way I have a better chance of remembering what God has done for me and how to handle the days troubles.
I want to be one of the sheep that recognize His voice and will be brought in through the gate, where my Savior is the gatekeeper.
So strap me in my car seat.