How do you squeeze time?
I just become so much more aware of time as I grow older.  The need for more time, the realization that time slips by so quickly, that life is so precious.  That and the realization that this is only part of the play.  That is the most difficult part.

As I watch my little granddaughter Olivia, she is so sweet, so cute, so intelligent, pushing the boundaries everyday, and needing a full time 24 hour watch dog as she investigates her day.

Rachel and Olivia were here last week, staying with me in our new home–new in the sense we moved here two months ago, but only leasing.

We made cookies, we ate cookies, we played with dolls, we walked through the wild flowers at the lake, and we read all the fun books I have been saving for my grand kids.  All those I read with my kids.

She especially liked the “Gas We Pass” book–we did change a few words though, sorry, no fart words here–we changed them to  “toot.”

Hyrum and Arleene were here later that week too.

Somehow it made me sad how fleeting it all is.  I see why older couples want to live by their married kids.  After all, what is life all about but family?

I want to wrap my arms around it all and never let it go.

Sadly, this part of the play has a long intermission, and that makes it difficult to think about.  Best not think that direction.
But I do want to be thankful for all of it.

I think she took home the Everyone Poops Book–
Yes, she is toilet trained, before age 2–she gets it.