What do you feed your dog?

Raw meat?
My son just got a cute new puppy and he started her on the “raw food diet.” This is one of those times when maybe your kids can teach you something.—I think. He refers me to this site on the raw diet.
I went to the grocery and roamed around the meat dept looking for chicken backs. The closest thing I could find were chicken breasts with the backs. There was a jumbo pack at a discount so I threw it in my cart.
This could be cheaper than the bags of kibble I have been feeding her.
At home I tore into the package and managed to pull out one of the chicken pieces with a fork.
All the while I am thinking about the possibility of salmonella, and making sure I do not touch the door knob leading to the backyard where I plan to feed my dog.  Or the faucet in the kitchen, or the counter—
How can dogs eat this stuff raw and yet if we do, we get violently ill?
I watched and she nibbled at it, and later she settled down and started to tear into the delightful meal.
But it took her forever.
Next day, and I pull out the second breast/back of chicken and take it out to the backyard for her to eat.
I notice about 15 mins later that it is not there anymore, nor is she chomping it. However I see a pile of dirt in my garden, and I am pretty sure there’s raw chicken buried in there.
Next morning I let her out in the yard, and not long after, I see the chicken, now shake and bake style, covered in a fine layer of potting soil, lying on my patio. It’s just sitting there, a few flies above it. The dog, well she is somewhere else.
Not eating it.
Yummy. I just leave it.
Go figure.
Throughout the day I see her dining on her chick fillet. Nice and tasty now that it has been marinating in the dirt. But it does not stay in her bowl, she moves it around the yard and finally I find it in my garage, a small chunk.
I just can’t deal with that today.
And sure enough, this evening it was gone.
I’m beginning to think that the reason we feed our dogs kibble is because we owners can stomach pouring out the dry nuggets into the dog dish. It stays there, they eat it. No dragging it around the yard and rolling it in the dirt.