Homeschooling Articles

Homeschooling Grades 9-12 Curriculum

Grade 9 First Semester Curriculum What we used for homeschool, the first year of high school, 9th grade:  Great Books:  Read novels and history, then write a context page, take notes, write a 2-page paper:  The Well Trained Mind Context page:   Sets the book in...

Homeschooling Grades 7 – 8 Curriculum

Seventh and eighth grade is kind of the bummer years in my opinion -- if you go to public school those years can be really hard. Socially and emotionally speaking, kids are a mess, going through puberty and staging to be accepted by their peers and the opposite sex....

Homeschool Sixth Grade Curriculum

History Time period: Medieval/Early Renaissance, 400 - 1600 Story of the World, vol. 2 (links to my affiliate account with Amazon) Sample page Story of the World activity book, vol. 2 (links to my affiliate account with Amazon) Activity book 2 sample Test Booklet,...

Homeschool Fifth Grade Curriculum

History In fifth grade, you start all over with ancient history. Even though you are covering the same time period as first grade, there's always more to do and learn. If you did not use The Story of the World volume 1 in first grade, then get it now for the fifth...
Muffin tin crayons

Muffin tin crayons

Make these bright colored crayon pucks -- muffin tin crayons, using all those broken crayons (or new ones if you...

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Done with homework

Done with homework

Homework in grade school may not be that beneficial. Somehow, the minutes of homework for each grade level seem to be...

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Serpentinite Rocks

Serpentinite Rocks

I found a peaceful part of the world when I went rockhounding in an old mining claim in northern California. It's an...

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Learning to learn

Learning to learn

No one should be bored when sitting in a class. Especially if you want to learn. I've been studying about learning...

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No more homework

No more homework

Kids don't need homework every night. Today they go to school and take their school work home.  Are we preparing them...

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The Upside of ADD

The Upside of ADD

It's the dreaded word--ADD--Attention Deficit Disorder. But there's an upside to ADD as published by the Wall Street...

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